


生活, learning 和 playing on a boarding school campus means you enjoy the benefits of a close-knit community, 到处都是了解你、关心你的成年人, 提供家庭作业帮助的朋友, 小吃和娱乐, 还有丰富的校园传统文化.


When you become a Westminster student, you earn the notable distinction of forever being a Martlet. This remarkable mascot captures the grit 和 grace that Westminster students strive to embody. 因为这只神话中的鸟没有脚, its only choice is to demonstrate its “grit 和 grace” by continuing to fly –despite obstacles, 疲惫甚至是猛烈的逆风. 作为一所拥有强大体育项目的小型学校, 威斯敏斯特的martlets通过坚持不懈来彰显自己的勇气, 克服困难,孜孜不倦地提高自己, 同时展示了体育精神和同志情谊的优雅. This unique mascot reminds students that even a footless bird can defeat a bearcat, 有翼的海狸和犀牛,当它们一起飞的时候.


签到仪式欢迎新学生进入威斯敏斯特社区. 在开学的第一周, new students line up 和 enter the 教堂 where they sign their name in a large book holding the names of countless Westminster students. 他们象征性地进入了威斯敏斯特的历史, 他们皇冠2021app下载地址的校长握手, 伊莲白, the final moment that signifies their status as a full-fledged Westminster student.


发生在六年级的草坪上, the 销仪式 makes tangible the excitement 和 nostalgia that permeates a student’s Sixth Form year. 六年级院长, 以及学校校友的教职员工, distribute pins to the boys 和 necklaces to the girls that showcase a one-of-a-kind image, 由会员特别设计的形式. 同样的图像也出现在六年级的旗帜上, 过去常常在一年中宣布希尔假日.


The 草坪仪式 symbolically represents the rising of the Fifth Form into the Sixth Form. 发生在六年级草坪附近, the 草坪仪式 involves Sixth Form students on the eve of their Commencement pulling, 携带, even spinning their Fifth Form friends onto the Lawn 和 into big bear hugs of congratulations. As the Sixth Form commemorates the end of their time as current Westminster students, 五年级象征性地步入校园领袖的角色. 另外, the 草坪仪式 marks a significant moment for the entire school community because the last Fifth Formers st和ing on the outside of the Sixth Form lawn will be the School Prefects for the following school year. 草坪外的最后两个学生是初级级长, 六年级校长, 和一级省长, 学院院长. 不足为奇的是, many students remark that the 草坪仪式 is the most memorable moment of their Westminster careers.


毕业典礼上, graduates receive a r和om diploma from the 校长 as they walk across the stage. 一旦仪式完成, graduates form a large circle on the Sixth Form Lawn 和 pass the diplomas around the circle. 当学生拿到写有自己名字的毕业证书时, 他们走出象征毕业的圆圈.


也许是威斯敏斯特最受欢迎的传统, 假日意味着欢呼, 额外的睡眠, 有趣的活动, 和, 最明显的是, 一天不上学. 每年发生四次的, 希尔假日 are usually revealed at Assembly when the whole school gathers to hear announcements. 然而,这一声明一点也不寻常. In the past Head Prefects have announced 希尔假日 by running through the halls with the Sixth Form flag; a student might pretend to ask another student to formal only to pull the Sixth Form flag out of a box; or, 学生可以制作一个短视频并分发给学生团体. 不管Hill Holiday是怎么宣布的, 接下来的一天充满了明显的兴奋, 微笑的学生.


One of the core elements of life at Westminster are family-style lunches in 阿姆斯特朗食堂 that are intended to strengthen community. 每周举行四天: 周一, 周二, 周四星期五. Family-style lunch provides an opportunity for students 和 faculty to get to know one another better 和 to engage in meaningful conversations with people they may not already know. Students are assigned to a table hosted by a faculty member on one-week rotations. 一个学生在那个星期担任他或她的桌子的服务员, 把热的enentre带到桌子上. 学生也可以选择其他食物. 不管他们是回答琐事还是谈论他们的一天, 学生们很快发现,每个教员表都有自己独特的身份.

曲棍球 & 特殊的活动

This fiercely competitive spring evening sport pits corridors 和 day students against each other as they strive to hold the 曲棍球 Trophy –和 bragging rights– at the end of May. 以机智的游戏报道为特点的, team t-shirts 和 many funny moments when even Westminster’s most talented athletes strike out, 曲棍球 is a throwback to the games of childhood where the players decide who’s safe 和 who’s out 和 everyone finds camaraderie as part of a team.
在一个鼓励和激励学生参与的学校, 学生们将发现并品味各种各样的传统——太多了,难以描述! 以下是我最喜欢的几个:
  • 惊喜冰淇淋饲料
  • 全校知识竞赛
  • Duds Days(便装日)



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为了保持我们对多元化社区的支持, Westminster abides by all applicable federal 和 state laws 和 does not discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, 皇冠2021app下载地址政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目. 威斯敏斯特大学招收任何种族的学生, color, 民族和民族出身的一切权利, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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